Competition Archives - THRiVE Rathcoole & Monkstown Together we can can thrive Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:19:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WE CAN…Stay Safe Online. Poster Competition Winner! Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:19:40 +0000 In early February, on Safer Internet Day,  pupils attending the THRiVE Primary schools were set a challenge to come up with a poster to encourage other to stay safe online. From all the posters completed a poster designed by Amy, a P5 pupil at King’s Park Primary School, was chosen as the ‘winning’ entry and […]

The post WE CAN…Stay Safe Online. Poster Competition Winner! appeared first on THRiVE Rathcoole & Monkstown.

In early February, on Safer Internet Day,  pupils attending the THRiVE Primary schools were set a challenge to come up with a poster to encourage other to stay safe online.

From all the posters completed a poster designed by Amy, a P5 pupil at King’s Park Primary School, was chosen as the ‘winning’ entry and on Friday 24th April, at a special school assembly, Amy’s  was presented with a WE CAN goodie bag and celebrated by her fellow pupils as her poster went on display for the first time.

Speaking about Amy and her poster, Mrs McCarey, Vice Principal of King’s Park Primary School said,

“At Kings Park Primary School we relish the opportunity to work along other organisations to help our children THRiVE. When it came to Safer Internet Day we were delighted to be able to encourage our pupils to take part in the poster competition as we know that the internet plays an important role in children’s life and education. When used properly it can be a very good tool helping children stay safe, healthy, and happy, but like so many things when not used properly it can have a more sinister side.

It was great to see so many children from the school take part in the poster competition with their finished posters showing how well they understood the message. What really made Amy’s poster stand out was how it captures so may key points in a child-friendly way but is also engaging for adults as well!

We look forward to continuing to play our part in the THRiVE collective helping children in this school and across the area do well.”

Copies of Amy’s poster have been distributed to schools and other settings across the community.

Keep a look out for it in a building near you!

The post WE CAN…Stay Safe Online. Poster Competition Winner! appeared first on THRiVE Rathcoole & Monkstown.

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