Early Years Archives - THRiVE Rathcoole & Monkstown https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/category/making-it-happen-groups/early-years/ Together we can can thrive Mon, 02 Oct 2023 15:41:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 WE CAN… work together to help children’s speech, language and communication. https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/we-can-work-together-to-help-childrens-speech-language-and-communication/ https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/we-can-work-together-to-help-childrens-speech-language-and-communication/#respond Mon, 02 Oct 2023 14:12:26 +0000 https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/?p=2733 Thanks to a collaboration with Help Kids Talk, teachers and classroom assistants from six schools and nurseries across Rathcoole and Monkstown were able to train together on Friday 29th September, enabling staff to deliver ‘Early Talk Boost’ and ‘Talk Boost’ programmes to children who need some support with their speech, language and communication in those […]

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Thanks to a collaboration with Help Kids Talk, teachers and classroom assistants from six schools and nurseries across Rathcoole and Monkstown were able to train together on Friday 29th September, enabling staff to deliver ‘Early Talk Boost’ and ‘Talk Boost’ programmes to children who need some support with their speech, language and communication in those early years.

It was fantastic to see staff sharing ideas together and we are excited that this programme will be rolled out this year.

Thanks to Help Kids Talk for providing resources and manuals to THRiVE settings.

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WE CAN… get ready to learn / Pathways for learning. https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/getting-ready-to-learn-pathways-for-learning/ https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/getting-ready-to-learn-pathways-for-learning/#respond Wed, 06 Sep 2023 14:47:18 +0000 https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/?p=2718 During the month of August, THRiVE Newtownabbey focused on positively engaging in two aspects of the learning journey of children and young people. #WECAN… Get Ready To Learn From the beginning of the month, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, top tips from “WE CAN… Get ready to learn” a booklet developed in partnership with Abbey […]

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During the month of August, THRiVE Newtownabbey focused on positively engaging in two aspects of the learning journey of children and young people.

#WECAN… Get Ready To Learn

From the beginning of the month, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, top tips from “WE CAN… Get ready to learn” a booklet developed in partnership with Abbey Sure Start  originally produced to help parents manage their children’s transition into pre-school post Covid lockdowns,  were re-shared on our Facebook page along with the link to the Transition Booklet (Digital version)

Pathways For Learning 

At the other end of the educational timeline, a series of videos featuring people with connections to the local area were created and shared on our social media platforms throughout the week between A Level and GCSE results days.

Brenda Doherty, Operations Manager at Abbey Sure Start, shared from her experience of the power of determination and never giving up when it comes to wanting to achieve something.


Amongst other things, Penny Lines, Manager of the Hopes Shop at Newtownabbey Methodist Mission shared how volunteering can be a useful thing to consider as a way to build you experience for the world of work.


Former MotoGP rider, Jeremy McWilliams focused on the importance of doing well at school even as you chase your dreams. He also stressed the importance of having heroes to look up to and mentors to learn from, as well as encouraging parents to be supportive of the aspirations of their children.


Finally, Dave Linton, founder and CEO of Madlug shared with great openness about his childhood, particularly the struggles he had with exams and the life changing realisation which dramatically increased his capacity to do well… and to thrive.


Each video will be used by THRiVE staff throughout the year as examples to encourage children and young people that #WECAN… learn.

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‘Stepping Into School with Parenting NI’. Pre-school to Primary Workshop https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/stepping-into-school-with-parenting-ni-pre-school-to-primary-workshop/ https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/stepping-into-school-with-parenting-ni-pre-school-to-primary-workshop/#respond Wed, 31 May 2023 19:31:35 +0000 https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/?p=2629 THRiVE Newtownabbey was delighted to be able to arrange a ‘Stepping Into School with Parenting NI’ workshop, which took place this morning at Abbots Cross Presbyterian Church. The two-hour workshop was the latest collaborative event through which THRiVE Newtownabbey seeks to find relevant ways to help local children and young people THRiVE! The workshop was […]

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THRiVE Newtownabbey was delighted to be able to arrange a ‘Stepping Into School with Parenting NI’ workshop, which took place this morning at Abbots Cross Presbyterian Church.

The two-hour workshop was the latest collaborative event through which THRiVE Newtownabbey seeks to find relevant ways to help local children and young people THRiVE!

The workshop was open to parents of children who will be making to move from pre-school settings into local Primary Schools after the summer holidays and was an opportunity for parents to hear from Shirley Millar, Family Support Services Manager at Parenting NI & engage in conversations with other parents, with everyone supporting each other as they explored the uncertainties, expectations and challenges of parents and children during the transition from pre-school to primary school.

In addition, parents also had the opportunity to hear from Sarah Radcliffe, Help Kids Talk co-ordinator about that particular programme. Every parent present went home with resources from both organisations as well as a Transition focused booklet produced by THRiVE Newtownabbey in conjunction with Abbey SureStart.

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Incredible Years Programme. Family Connections – Newtownabbey https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/incredible-years-programme-family-connections-newtownabbey/ https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/incredible-years-programme-family-connections-newtownabbey/#respond Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:21:29 +0000 https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/?p=2610 The years of a child’s life between three and seven years old are known by experts in child development to be ‘The Incredible Years.’ Spread across 14 weeks since early January 2023, Family Connections – Newtownabbey Programme and Parent Workers, Claire and Emma have been taking a group of local parents through THE INCREDIBLE YEARS […]

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The years of a child’s life between three and seven years old are known by experts in child development to be ‘The Incredible Years.’

Spread across 14 weeks since early January 2023, Family Connections – Newtownabbey Programme and Parent Workers, Claire and Emma have been taking a group of local parents through THE INCREDIBLE YEARS programme.

The programme mixes information with time to relax in the company of other parents, sharing experiences and encouraging each other with learning together about everything from:

  • Tips on promoting positive behaviour.
  • How to manage your child’s big emotions.
  • Motivating children through rewards and praise.
  • Setting consistent rules and routines in the home.
  • The importance of play in aiding development, communication and building relationships.
  • Creative and imaginative play.
  • Building up on our knowledge and how we can teach/educate our kids through play as well as building up their independence and improving communication and relationships.

Claire and Emma said

“ We have absolutely loved working with this amazing group of parents. It has been a privilege to watch them grow in confidence week by week. Their determination and commitment to The Incredible Years Programme was inspiring. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of this fantastic group of parents. “


11 Parents completed the course. They had lots to say about their experience of  The Incredible Years programme –

“This is just what is needed!”

“Very well-informed leaders.”

“Great Advice on communication and attention.”

“Learning to not ask so many questions and actively narrate what is going on is going to be extremely helpful for us.”

“The sessions are so helpful. They changed my approach to making my children listen to me and helped us make time to play together.”

“I learned how to ask better questions to my child and when not to ask any!”

“Getting the opportunity to role play situations was good. It meant we could practice what we learned in the sessions.”

“It’s great to get ideas from and share with other parents who are going through the same experiences. We really can help each other understand how to use what we learn when we are at home.”

“The best thing about the things we learnt on The Incredible Years programme is that everything we learnt actually works at home!”

“I got everything I expected and so much more from the programme, it was excellent!”

“I had a situation at a social event where my son had a tantrum and I was able to use the techniques I learnt on the course into practise and they really worked.”



What’s next for Family Connections – Newtownabbey?

In addition to continuing to support parents on a weekly basis, Claire and Emma are already turning their attention to running another Parentivity course during the summer term and also planning a series of family activities to take place during the summer…

Check out the Family Connections – Newtownabbey Facebook page for details.

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