Wellbeing Archives - THRiVE Rathcoole & Monkstown https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/category/wellbeing/ Together we can can thrive Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:26:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 THRiVE Collaborative Poem. https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/thrive-collaborative-poem/ https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/thrive-collaborative-poem/#respond Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:26:58 +0000 https://thrivenewtownabbey.co.uk/?p=2807 Last year, on World Poetry Day, THRiVE Newtownabbey encouraged local schools and community youth groups to create lines of poetry based on the four THRiVE core priorities… ATTAINMENT, ASPIRATION, WELLBEING, & COLLABORATION, and the three WE CAN campaign aspirations… #WeCanLearn, #WeCanBeHealthyAndWell, & #WeCanBeConnected. Having pieced together all the contributions into one poem, yesterday, on World […]

The post THRiVE Collaborative Poem. appeared first on THRiVE Rathcoole & Monkstown.

Last year, on World Poetry Day, THRiVE Newtownabbey encouraged local schools and community youth groups to create lines of poetry based on the four THRiVE core priorities… ATTAINMENT, ASPIRATION, WELLBEING, & COLLABORATION, and the three WE CAN campaign aspirations… #WeCanLearn, #WeCanBeHealthyAndWell, & #WeCanBeConnected.

Having pieced together all the contributions into one poem, yesterday, on World Read Aloud Day, we premiered the result “Shoot For The Moon” – a poem written BY the THRiVE community, FOR community, on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

The short film features children, young people, & adults representing a number of schools and community groups from across the THRiVE Newtownabbey area reading excerpts of the poem.

You can watch the final piece and read the poem below…

“Shoot for the moon and you might land on a star”.

To aspire;
‘Do well’
Find out who YOU are.

Every child,
every young person,
every adult
learn things that will help
As we grow…

Open your eyes
Look around.
Take notice.
Breathe in the air!
“WE CAN… be connected, healthy and well!”

For each is important;
they increase our chances…
that things go well as we make advances…
through life;
taking risks,
learning lessons,
making choices…
Building our confidence to
Speak up
Speak out,
‘Raise our voices’

influence this place
We’ve no need to roam
All that far from the streets …
We grow up in,
which shape us…
The place we call ‘home.’

Bright futures.
WE CAN… go anywhere.
With determination
and drive…
Making the best of our lives.

Be proud.
Stand together.
A community…

This journey
We don’t make on our own,
(Though sometimes we may feel
No-one else gets our tone).
The truth is
That help and support
Is always there.
And more…
They all keep an eye out
Ready to help,
or step in.
Help us to grow:
Working together –
A community wins!

“Shoot for the moon…
You might land on a star…”
WE CAN… ‘do well’
Celebrate who WE are!

The post THRiVE Collaborative Poem. appeared first on THRiVE Rathcoole & Monkstown.

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